Advanced Guide

Short param names

Every param and flag has a short name. run dockenv -h or dockenv <command> -h to get the list.


Start every command with dockenv -v or dockenv --verbose to get verbose output. This can be particularly useful when creating or upgrading envs, as this will print out all stdout and stderr from docker, including from the image

Configuring pip install

When running dockenv new, anything after the env name is passed into the pip install script. This can be used to point to alternate pypi repos, e.g:

$> dockenv new my_env --package djrongo --index-url

Interactive debug shell

You can enter an interactive bash shell inside the env using:

$> dockenv shell my_env
# You can also use '--mount' or '--expose-port', see 'dockenv run'

NOTE: Anything you do in this shell will be blown away once you quit. For more information see Inportant Notes. This can be useful for debugging.

Container security notes:

By default, DockEnv does the following to help prevent code from being able to escape the container:
  • A new env will always build off the latest python3
  • All python code, including pip, runs as a container-specific low-privileged user.
  • After the pip install, code is unable to write to the filesystem, unless explicitly allowed
  • After the pip install, code is unable to connect to any network, unless explicitly allowed